The Perfect Solution

For Real Time Communication & Collaboration

With Video, Audio and Screen Sharing Communication, and Live Chat features.

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Built on Modern Web Technologies

Welcome to our state-of-the-art conference platform, designed for an immersive and seamless experience. Explore dynamic features such as interactive virtual networking, engaging live sessions, on-demand content access, and real-time Q&A. Our user-friendly interface ensures easy navigation, making your conference participation enjoyable and productive. Elevate your virtual event experience with our comprehensive suite of features tailored for seamless connectivity and collaboration.

Multiple Methods

It supports Video Conferencing, Live Classes, Webinars, Audio Conferencing and Podcasts.

Regularly Updated

We will be updating regularly with latest version of framework, plugins, features and fixes

Secure & Protected

Encryption is a mandatory feature of WebRTC, and is enforced on all components, including signaling mechanisms

Single Page Application

Reduces queries to server, decreases loading time, less bandwidth usage and improved user experience


Your feedback is invaluable to us! Share your experiences and help us continually enhance your learning journey.

Conference Type

Welcome to our state-of-the-art conference platform, designed for an immersive and seamless experience. Explore dynamic features such as interactive virtual networking, engaging live sessions, on-demand content access, and real-time Q&A. Our user-friendly interface ensures easy navigation, making your conference participation enjoyable and productive. Elevate your virtual event experience with our comprehensive suite of features tailored for seamless connectivity and collaboration.

Video Conference

Enables you to conference with others with audio and video with optional screen sharing features.


Enables you to stream yourself live with video and audio with optional screen sharing feature

Live classes

Enables you to stream live with audio and video , where you can see and hear anyone , but they can see and hear only you , not each other.

Audio conference

Enable you to conference with only audio with optional screen share features like a group voice call


Enables you to stream your audio live with others who are invited . they can only hear your voice over audio stream

Collaborate online in real-time

With Video, Audio and Screen Sharing Communication, and Live Chat

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